NOCCA teams working

Acta Oncologica 2009


Principles for use of data from NOCCA

All external suggestions for topics of analysis / specific papers shall be handed to NOCCA principle investigator (PI) of any Nordic country, in the form of a short study application, as specified below. If the application is formally acceptable, it will be distributed to all other PIs of the Nordic countries. If the study requires use of the NOCCA Job Exposure Matrix, the application will also be forwarded to the NOCCA JEM Team. If the suggested topic has not been assigned to some other persons, and if the PIs judge that the proposed study is feasible and worth doing, the data can be used by the applicant inside or outside the NOCCA group upon signature of a data transfer agreement, to be signed by each national PI. Each country is free to opt out of any study.

The short research protocol should include
The hypothesis and specific aims of the study
The list of variables to be used
The analytical strategy (analysis plan)
The persons responsible for data management, data analysis and other tasks related to the preparation of the manuscript
Timetable for use of the data (after which the access to the data will no longer be allowed and the research topic may be transferred to some other research team; the timeline is important to guarantee that important study topics will really be progressing) a publication plan, including proposed authors and order of authors
The costs of the study and the provenience of funds to cover the study costs
Possible conflicts of interest related to the person/group requesting the use of the data (for example affiliation with or funding received from specific industries for the specific study or other related topics).

Please note that costs to cover the data management and preparation may be charged to the individual/group requesting use of the data. At least one representative of each participating country should be included in the publications. If the study requires use of the NOCCA Job Exposure Matrix, at least one of the JEM Team should be on the list of authors. If separate permissions by ethical or data inspection board need to updated for a specific article, they are under responsibility of the applicant in collaboration with the country NOCCA PI.

 Download form : Short protocol for indepth studies

List of principal investigators (PIs)
Denmark Elsebeth Lynge [email protected]
Finland Eero Pukkala [email protected]
Iceland Laufey Tryggvadottir [email protected]
Norway Kristina Kjærheim [email protected]
Sweden Pär Sparèn [email protected]
Sweden Elisabete Weiderpass [email protected]